Oct 15, 2012 20:04
Oye... It's been a while since I've done a proper entry. I could give y'all a million reasons as to why, but I'm not going to waste my time, and yours, listing those out. So.... I apologize that it's been sooooooooo long since I posted something more then a few sentences or a picture here and there.
Things at work are going good. It's a lot harder then I thought it would be, being in management, but I'm slowly starting to get the hang of it. My new teller is starting in a week, and once he's done with training, it'll be nice to spend less time in a cash box and more time coaching :)
Florida is AMAZING. It's 15 days until my birthday, and I spent all weekend out in the sun. Saturday we went to the beach and enjoyed relaxing (I actually fell asleep on the beach). Then on Sunday we went out on our roommates boat (I have 2 roommates... both are from Oregon), and enjoyed some time out on the water. It's still warm enough to be in a bikini, which is still a strange sensation to me, considering it's raining and in the 60's at home.
My mom is coming to visit on the 25th. I'm really excited, considering I haven't seen her since March, and that's pretty much the longest amount of time I've ever gone without seeing her. I still get homesick sometimes, but it's getting easier as time goes on. I really do like it here, and the people are so nice and friendly. People aren't kidding when they talk about Southern Hospitality.
On the boy front, things are about the same as they were in Portland. I've met quite a few boys, but as I don't know how long I'm going to be down here, I'm not really looking for anything serious. It's challenging down here, because it's a huge military area (there's two air force bases down here), so a lot of the boys are pretty young. The other annoying thing is that it's pretty uncommon to be 27 and single. The trend down here seems to be getting married at 20, 21. And then popping out kids. So it's hard to find a guy who's single, my age, without kids. Smoking is also HUGE down here. OMG... People smoke like freaking chimneys down here. It's disgusting. I've been kind of talking to/hanging out with this guy that I met at a bar a little over a week ago. He's from California, and he's a huge USC fan, so I'll refer to him as the USC fan (which is how he's saved in my phone). He's cute, and rrrreeeeaaaalllyyyy tall. It's pretty awesome.
In 2 weeks I'll be turning 28. It's hard to believe I'm that old, and that I've come soooooooooooo far in the last year. It's been a huge growth year for me, and it's crazy to see how far I've come and how much is different then it was just a year ago. This year also marks the 14th anniversary of my dad passing away. I know 14 isn't generally a significant milestone, but for me, it's huge. As of November 9th, I'll have lived longer without my dad then I did with him (He died on November 8th, 1998). It's weird. I hope that he'd be proud of the person I've grown up to be.
I really don't have much else to add... This computer is missing the v key, so it's really hard to properly type, especially when I'm typing a word that needs that letter (you never realize how many words you use that include the letter v until you don't have the key on your laptop. Wish it would have been the Q key). I let my niece keep my good laptop so she could use it for school, and so I would have one less thing to pack across the country. Aren't I a nice aunt???