Some lazy sketches I did for art~
These are all really lazy sketches i just HAD to get done within the last 5 hours T_T..... You can tell because lazy is written in the shading and smearing XDDD!!! I'm in no mood for this -- NO EXCUSES NANA! *smack*
Top: Cherry
masamegu Bottom left: Namie
buriteri Center: ME! ME! ME -- HEY! AND A FREE PANTYFLASH!!!!! (tends to happen sometimes..)
Right: Kim!!
roconails whose ass is on my back! Kim you must be so uncomfortable in that pose (><) sorry~
This isn't the original drawing, this is just a lazy sketch of it that I had to draw to put in my sketchbook (I cant exactly paste the original in there) XD The original was nicer in quality, but I like the way the figures came out this time. I'll probably actually pencil draw, ink, and paint this one sometime cause i just like the way its like all of us together :). But yeah, this is a stupid sketch of how it looks..
Check out the blotches on HER skin! I'm really disappointed at how this one came out on camera.. You know how camera angles and lighting tend to change how a picture looks? (YES IM GHETTO. THIS IS A PHOTO, NOT A SCAN) It looks nicer in the sketchbook. Look how nasty the shading is XD!! Another example of lazy lazy Nana. This is not meant to offend any of the manba-lovers here, but... Up close you can see that her teeth are dirty and crooked, and you can't tell from the size, but on the actual picture, if you look close, you can see the dead ends on her hair. Don't get mad at me, I love manba too LOL! Its just that I felt like making her a little dirtier than the awesome kawaii manba we usually are all YAY at~ Personally I think that if she was a real manba, she'd be cute though, besides those damn teeth XD. Hey, an excuse for her nasty uneven skin tone is maybe she's using cheap makeup! YEP! O-gyaru she is!
Some of you might recognize this... I redid one of the Peach Girl illustrations as Momo. Instead of writing Peach Girl I put Fruits Girl though ebcause no where in the picture is there a hint of Peach. Dont worry, on the bottom of the page I made a note that it was from Peach Girl, oh hush hush XDD!!! And I changed her shirt and ballahlahah yeah whatever!!!
XD!! Ok yeah I can't draw
<333 奈②ロ±゙