...'cause "chaotic_goodness" is one letter too many

Jan 28, 2008 17:27

That's right. Fifteen characters is the maximum length LiveJournal will give you. Of course, you probably already know that. Seeing how you've likely gone through the process yourself. That means things like "white_trash_holocaust" won't work, but "yt_trsh_h0lc0st" will. Thanks for promoting good typing and grammar skills LJ.

Am I really bothered by it? No. It's not so bad. The worst part had to be "personalizing" my journal. Right off, I knew there'd be trouble. If you're running an online community, you have to do something to limit users ability to manipulate the code that's going to be presented to the www. Security is a big reason, sure. I'd say it's more important because it gives all the geeks and freaks something to do in their free time. Why else would you learn quirky forms of CSS and HTML? Fuel for the forums, my friends.

I won't go into detail over my two-day-long ordeal with LJ's S1. I will say that it didn't piss me off nearly as much as some other "networking" and "weblog" services have. I won't even give them the honor of being mentioned. I'm sure you know who they are anyway.

Who the hell am I, and what gives me the right to pollute the www with my meanderings? Despite the fact that my thoughts are ill-conceived, poorly structured, and often acerbic, the Constitution of the United States of America allows me the privilege of "Free Speech". Well, mostly. The "who" portion of the question will more likely have to be gleaned from whatever mumbo-jumbo I post.

So why would I want an online journal in the first place? Well, really, I don't. The fact is, I spend a lot of time on the computer. It's more likely that I'll capture something on it than if I sit around with a writing utensil and an actual journal.

What can you, the average reader, hope to gain from visiting my journal with any regularity? Tales of thrilling adventures, tragic realizations of one's own mortality, daily epiphanies concerning humankind's true nature, some other esoteric bullshit, and the occasional drunken rant.

Think "chaos" + "goodness" and that should give you a few ideas. A good amount of chaos? An amount of good chaos? A chaotic amount of goodness? Tune in and see.


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