Of Pans and Cakes

Feb 07, 2008 16:14

One of the world's most prolific breakfast items has made its way back on to my plate. Now, I must admit, pancakes have not been a featured player in breaking my fast. At some point in the past, they dried up. Maybe both figuratively and literally. Did some diner pawn off dried-up, chewy monstrosities? Did I, in desperation substitute soy milk for buttermilk one groggy morning? Had Aunt Jemima forsaken me? Likely, it was a combination of events that left me with no pallet for these culinary chameleons.

Due to the rushed nature of contemporary Breakfast in America, boxed batter burned me out at an early age on the ready-made mixes most commonly found in the majority of our pantries. The ingredients contained in these simple mix, heat, and eat concoctions are correct and are present in relatively correct proportions. So what's wrong with them? They're normally jacks-of-all-trades. Boxed batter can be used to make anything from biscuits to blintzes to deep-fried cheese cake. Chances are, such a mixture is not going to be best at any of those things, not to mention the humble pancake.

Well, what about making your own, you may wonder? I certainly would, if I thought I'd be flipping flapjacks on a regular basis. That just doesn't happen. I'm more of an eggs and bacon with wheat toast and orange juice kinda' guy. Pancakes are (or should be) light and fluffy, like a pillow, or a bed - two of the last things I want to think about shorty after vacating the comforts of slumberland. That doesn't mean I shouldn't have some dry mix of my own design sitting on hand in case the desire arises. Something specialized, the ultimate expression of pan cake goodness.

The Pancake Project may very well be on the forefront of my culinary exploits in the near future. In an odd twist of fate, my social circle has recently grown to include a few pancake eaters. Diner pancakes aren't so bad. You just have to be at the right diner. Even from a box, they're mighty good when you wake up to the smell of maple syrup and pancakes. Made from a mix specifically designed for pancakes? Well, we'll just have to see.

food, breakfast

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