Jun 10, 2010 00:48
Thoughts are keeping me up late tonight. There's a lot going on right now, and thoughts rattle loudest when the rest of the world is sleeping.
That's why we have LJ, I guess.
Tonight's NHL final game ended in a strange moment of accord between fans of Pittsburgh and Detroit - something normally unthinkable. But right at this moment, we are united by a shared hatred for Hossa and the fact that that opportunistic team-hopping bastard finally got his name on the cup. Well, third time's a charm I guess; maybe he'll retire now.
Gecko finally gave out tonight. He'd refused all food for about a week and a half and was pretty much skeletal, so I guess that was as long as he could hold out. He had a pretty sweet life, though, all told: a quiet, controlled environment with all the food and water he could manage. Perhaps I'll find another little stowaway from Texas at work someday.
Past couple of weekends were delightful. Friends and family in town, great adventures around town, dining out and about, really appreciating being social for a change. MarCon... was awesome.
This weekend some of us are going to fight in Indiana with a Vike group out there. I'm looking forward to the trip as well as getting some much-needed practice. I should really consider getting in shape again, though, so that I can put points in strength and stam really clean up on the field. Too bad I can't get fit and be lazy at the same time.
D&D continues, at least when summer activities don't rob people of their Fridays. Crescendo is level 11 and has somehow turned from being a fun cariacture of a Jack Sparrow-flavored rock star into an exercise in moral relativism (namely, How to Be Chaotic Neutral in a Lawful Good World). It certainly makes for some volatile gaming nights!
Farmer's markets are a recent discovery, and Columbus has a TON of them. There's a huge one on the weekends, plus small neighborhood ones in Dublin and (soon) Hilliard. I'm really finding some produce there that far surpasses the bland, bruised items in the grocery store - so while I'll still use Kroger and Wally World for things like paper towels and breakfast cereal, I'll be heavily supplementing my perishables from the local vendors. Dinner tonight was a Luna burger with Gretna grilling cheese from Blue Jacket dairy, and lettuce from Van Scoy farms, and let me tell you: for a vegetarian, that was a burger from HEAVEN.
Well, I'm running out of steam at this point, so I think I'll try that whole sleeping thing now.