Excellent weekend notes

May 04, 2009 18:49

Saturday: Pittsburghers, some of whom I've seen quite recently and others I haven't seen in months or years, descended on Columbus and retrieved spramazd's car. We hit up the OSU Ren Faire and compared notes between Oakland/Pitt campus and OSU, and I introduced P&J to Bento Go Go and had tasty tasty Asian food. I saw a ton of HPB people at the Ren Faire, which made it start to sort of feel like work, so it's all well and good that I only had about an hour to wander about. The Faire seemed smaller than last year, although the weather held out nicely for once! We got ice cream on the way back, because being an adult means you can ruin your dinner with impunity.

In the evening there was Chipotle for dinner, slumming around Meijer and stocking up on British and Polish confections, and being entertained by the Grimlock transformer that P bought. Then there was ice cream again, so it ended up being a fantastic weekend.

Sunday ended up being an ad hoc trip to the Delaware state park shooting range with dklegman and one more. Between the three of us we managed to cram all the gun swag into the jeep - barely. After picking up park permits, we arrived and must have looked like some sort of paramilitary clown car with 3 people and their firearms pouring out of this little jeep! The range was packed since the weather was gorgeous; we had to wait for a spot. I finally got to shoot the rifle I bought back in November - it shot fairly well except for the wood piece over the barrel which kept sliding forward. I also attached the bayonet because hey, all firearms are considerably more awesome with a metal spike on the end! There were a bunch of Mosins there, and some guys had set up for a serious day at the range - they'd brought about a dozen of their favorite assault rifles, some of which were .50 cal and/or mounted, and set up a table and everything. It sort of boggled the mind a little bit to witness the sheer amount of firepower. Then there were some other guys who had dragged their girlfriends along without giving them any earplugs, which made me a little pissed off - way to impress your chicks by making them deaf, I'm sure they enjoyed every minute. But the park ranger/officer/guy in charge was friendly and happy to chat about whatever, so all in all it made for a nice day out. Oh, and we shot with camera also.

Tomorrow night: Paganfest! First in Cleveland and then Wednesday night in Cinci-area Kentucky. I'd better get a good night's sleep tonight as it might be my last chance for awhile...
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