Tonight in Finland is a holiday called
Vappu. It's kinda like a Finnish Mardi Gras (or, really, any night on a Sweden/Estonia ferry) where everyone drinks and drinks and drinks and drinks and puts a hat on
a statue and drinks and drinks. Unsurprisingly, it's mainly celebrated by students and often involves sima, a homebrewed mead-like beverage. My Finnish teacher in Pittsburgh used to make it every year and it was delicious, though her version had just enough fermentation to give it a little fizz, I suspect most recipes bring drunk tonight are significantly higher in alcohol content. Apparenly you know when it's ready to drink when the raisins float to the top...
Originally Vappu was a
Walpurgis celebration, which is pretty awesome and like Krampusnacht is something I really wish had made it to the US.
As much as I would love to try making sima, I've been jonesing for
karjalanpiirakat. I could just wait a month and a half and then gorge my face with them, but I might try making them myself and see if they turn out to be edible... but for now, I content myself with cucumbers and cheese on crispbread. Mmmm.