yup. come get him :) he said i was annoying. cause i was walking really close behind him in the hall and people looked at him weird. but instead of beating tom up, you can just cuddle with me.
and yes they're know i'm taken. when we went downstairs to get cookies (at least i got a cookie. there's a bite left. want it?) i said something about americans being retarded, and then i was like, they cant be that retarded..my boyfriend's american.
okay so i dont really have any guns in my closet... but i did at one point... *shakes fist menacingly*
and only most americans are retarded... not alllll of them. i like to think im not totally retarded. and any retardedness i have is because of our crappy school system. and i've totally stopped talking trash about canadians because of you... so... there you go *nods*
awww, yay! except you still make fun of me for being canadian all the time...which is why i feel it's ok for me to make fun of americans. and i always add a qualifyer saying my boyfriend isnt retarded.
ahahahaha. i just looked at tom and he looked like a monkey, and it reminded me of sunday when we were at the zoo and one of the gorillas was eating it's own poo. russell would have liked it. i say it's worse than when we saw the monkies having sex.
i thought the monkeys having sex was amusing :) especially that little kid with his mom and the mom was like " DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEEEEEEEEEYRE DOING?!?! HAR HAR HAR!!!"
*giggles* it was amusing. gorillas eating their own poo is just disgusting. the gorilla was just like...sitting there and we're watching it and we see it reach under it's butt for a bit and then pull it's hand out and start munching away, and as it's munching away...reach the other hand down under...
it was almost as bad and peter and his girlfriend.
and yes they're know i'm taken. when we went downstairs to get cookies (at least i got a cookie. there's a bite left. want it?) i said something about americans being retarded, and then i was like, they cant be that retarded..my boyfriend's american.
and only most americans are retarded... not alllll of them. i like to think im not totally retarded. and any retardedness i have is because of our crappy school system. and i've totally stopped talking trash about canadians because of you... so... there you go *nods*
it was almost as bad and peter and his girlfriend.
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