From good to bad......

Sep 21, 2005 19:29

Well, Saturday night I went bowling with the crew, and ended up having a really good time. Jess entered me into mystery, and when I was up bowling, they called my number for the first game! So I won $39, which was really cool, since I didn't even enter myself in! Then, after the 2nd game, they called mystery again & the same thing happened! I ended up winning $78, which was really cool. Needless to say I paid Jess back. lol Everyone was mad at me, and were like we didnt even win twice the whole year last year and you win twice in one night! Then we went out to eat, and they all handed me the bills. haha it was funny. I can tell this is gonna be fun! :)I went out and bought a lottery ticket too, so maybe I'll get lucky with that :)I went back to Jess's after and her JC & I played catch phrase till like 1, then I came home. That game is great!

So monday.....needless to say, my luck ran out. I got to school, and noticed I forgot my USB memory stick for my CIS computers class. It wasn;t that big of a deal, I just couldnt save my work, I had to e-mail it to myself. So I left school around 4 and on the way home, the car seemed like it was making a funny noise, but I didn't really pay any attention to it. By the time I got just before 8 mile, it sounded like I was on a plane, and I could tell somethin was wrong. I didn't want to pull over on the expressway, so I got off at 8 mile, and pulled onto a side street. Once I got out, I saw that the right rear tire was like completely flat. I called me dad at home, then called AAA, and they said they'd be there anywhere from 20-45 minutes. So there I was, stranded on a side street by 8 mile & I 275.I was really freaking out, and upset. AAA ended up coming 35 minutes later, which wasn't bad I guess. The guy was pretty nice, and changed the tire for me. By that time, it was about 5:20. I couldn't take the expressway all the way home from there with the little tire on, so I had to take 8 mile. Over there in farm country, 8 mile is pretty jacked up, and I ended up getting lost. I called me dad & he loked at a map & couldn't even tell where I was. lol I passed farms, and horses, goats, and sheep. It was a nice area, but at this point I just wanted to get home. I was upset and frusterated, but finally made it home about 7:15. So it ended up taking me from 4-7 to get home. That's just insane! So the last 2 days, I've been taking the van to school, since the car is in the shop, hopefully I'll be getting that back soon.

Yesterday, I got to class and met up with Amanda, Jenna, and Alex and found out that our one SLS class got canceled becasue of an emergency, so I ended up going back to Alex's house & went to Panara Bread before I had to be back at 4 for class. I think I did ok on my quiz, well at least I hope I did.

English was pretty easy today. Our rough drafts of our descriptive essyas were due, so the 6 of us & our professor sat in a circle reading & critiquing each essay. I think it really helped. UNIV 1010 was alrite. We didnt really do much, we are putting on this talent show to raise money for Katrina and the Red Cross and stuff, so we did research on that, and signed up for stuff. Katie and Alex both asked me to sign up with them, so I ended up signing up to sell tickets 2 days for 3 hours each. It's a lot, but we need 10 hours anyways, and with those 6 & the 5 for the talent show, I have enough so its fine. Plus I get to sell with Alex...;) and Katie, so it'll be fun...:)

I gotta work tomorrow, havent been there since friday so I'm sure a lot has changed. Maybe i'll go to Bally's in the morning,since I havent been there in a while, I need to go Well I'm off to do some homework now.....
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