Ok friggin LJ is screwing with me let's try this again! Here are the vids I got of Jim from the panel. I think I got mostly the best questions surprisingly after rewatching them again.
aww you gave me the puppy eyes how can I refuse those haha they are my weakness! sure where would be best for me to upload it? I know some places don't work for some people so I figure ask first before I upload haha also just curious don't you make animated icons dont' you if you take the clip could you make icons of it?
here you go sweetie http://www.sendspace.com/file/ahyg06 I can't wait to see what you come up with! Also I'll be posting jared clips soon and there is one part i totally would LOVE to have an ani of because he was just too adorable not too haha and i'd love for you to be the one to make icons of it if you don't mind :)
that's no problem I can wait. You're one of the few people I know who make anis so I figured i'd ask haha :) I'll let you know what clip it is when I get it up should hopefully be later today :)
is there any chance of a download link for the first vid? *pupyeyes*
anywhere should be fine I dont mind, thanks!
and yes thats exactally what I had in mind :D animated icons :D
Im having a few PS issues right now so might be a short while before they get done but I will def do it :)
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