Jun 10, 2007 15:06
This is the first bulletin I am posting so I'll just bring everyone up to date on current events. Mentally and
emotionally I am doing great. Physically I have a few things coming up. I have been to the ER four times in the
past month. The first time was from the pharmacy giving me the wrong blood pressure pills. They gave me an all diuretic which made me piss every five minutes. This drained most of my potassium and i started passing out
and was in total confussion. One for a lymph infection that I got from a rusty nail or a chicken scratch which made me very sick. I took two different hospitals to find it though. The other was from bad chest pain. Part of which was caused from the the swollen lymphs in my chest and the other was from gall stones. So I applied for the Parkland health plan and was approved to now I have a regular physician and only a ten dollar copay. That includes
labwork and shots. The wait is no longer then any other doctors office and everyone is nice there. They have
clinics in east dallas which is the one I go to and several in other cities.
Its no different then having health insurance but really a little better. My meds are only 5 dollars each as well.
So its really awesome. When I went for my first visit they gave me a tetanus shot and gave me a good check.
Not to be gross but they did find a lump in my right testicle so the have scheduled a sonogram
for both. Which they already said that they will have to take out
the lump and my gall bladder which sucks but after that I'll be as right as rain. Work is doing great, my birds and crab are well and I have never been closer to my cousins linda and rachel, which they are more my mom and
sister then anything, then ever.
Also my cousin monica a well. My blood mom may be worthless and I have made it clear for her and my sister
that under no circumstances they are to make any contact with me. Which I feel a weight lifted off my shoulder
with that. This happend a week ago because my uncle died and they were at the rosary so rachel made sure that they stayed away from me. I sang two songs for him there, One was "Here I am, Lord" and
"Lord You Have Come To the Seashore" We will miss him, I spent most of my childhood at his house so,
yeah I will miss him a lot.
I know he is in heaven because he was a really good man. He is now with my grandma who also raised me.
All of these things have made me realize that life is too short to be worrying about finding a boyfriend, which by the way I have now been celebate for two years and am going to stay that way. Tommy bear is great and I have never been happier in my life. Damn I really didn't want to rant so much but this is what it is. My love to all and I'll be posting again real soon.