I have no clue what I am.
I have never had a crush on anyone.
I have tried to make myself get a crush in elem.
I don't think this makes me so weird. I'm an early teenager, I haven't hit full puberty.
Other people disagree.
I can picture myself with both.
This possibly makes me bi.
I can't imagine liking someone just based on appearance.
This is possibly because of all the things I am not.
I am not the sort of person people think are hot.
Or at least, I think I'm not. The people at my school know me, and mostly dislike me.
I'm not one of the popular group. I confuse them.
This probably affects my image of myself.
I don't think I'm straigt, lesbian, or bi.
I'm a completely different thing.
I love those who I love, regardless of gender.
I think that's a good way to be.
Everyone who is struggling with your sexuality, know that even if you can't tell, you are loved.