1. Reply to this post with a poem, line from a fic, etc., and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
bluh bluh I am a bad person and put this off because I couldn't work up the energy to find out how to code for icons. But now I have! So.
lettersandliars picked:
happy sleep
I have such a love for Okami, you have no idea. Still haven't finished it because first my save slot got messed up when I turned it off too early and now I want to complete EVERYTHING including finding all the animals, but. Love. Also I find that this icon is very good for when my sentiment is "I am rolling around in glee and want to snuggle this forever."
I'm still sad that
Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name (amazing webcomic) is hiatusified, but oh well. [...]'s thing with the cranes I always thought was interesting and the icon is I think reflective of what I think about it. Inside the zombieness, he's a person all alone in his head except for this one link.
Trio (school)
fffffffff I love this OT3. I'm kinda falling out of KH fandom and this will probably continue until I've finished BBS, but I can never ever resist a fic with them. Also the icon is what I want for them: happy, relaxed, at peace, together.
I loved Yu-Gi-Oh when I was little, and I didn't really fall out of it by choice. I used to watch it with Mom and Sister, and for some reason we stopped. But I loved it, and it's high on my list of things to rewatch. ALLLLLLL of it. I am still annoyed that I never found out how the Bakura storyline turned out, or really any of them.
{We spent a lot of time when watching drooling of Kaiba's coat. WANT.]
Also what I remember most is the Pegasus storyline. I loved that thing, and it was really creepy.
Very Good Biscuits
forever pterry geek
Death is amazing and I love him to itsy bitsy metatarsal-sized pieces.
iki_teru chose:
The Other Trio
I'm always saddened by how little appreciation there is for these three. Tidus and Wakka are from FFX, which is the first Final Fantasy game I ever played. And Selphie is just asskickingly adorable. But they have a tendency to get forgotten and passed over!
and they make me so sad, because they want their hearts back! Wouldn't you? And Sora just goes "nope mine".
Were you there?
Once again, Pterry. The lilac and the Glorious Revolution of Treacle Mine Road raise their heads every May, and yeah. I didn't like Night Watch as much when I was little, but the older I get the more relevant it is and the more I can understand about politics.
Go read it, if you haven't.
Unhelpful armed people
ahahahahahaha Hawaii 5-0. I haven't started the new season yet, but I love(d) Danny so hardcore.
Loved because the last episode, and to a lesser extent ones before that, kinda didn't do good things for me and it. I didn't like what happened at all; it seemed full of stupidity and people not thinking in situations when they had to and were undoubtedly trained to.
I do however have a
post bookmarked of icons of some of the best quotes.
I needed reaction shots! And I found this. I enjoy how different their faces are, even if it's the same sentiment.
i love both of these girls so much
so much