Neil Gaiman, Doctor Who, and technology.

Jun 07, 2011 20:55

I got a tablet! A Bamboo Pen, to be exact.

But more to the point, after it was shown my family (long-time Who fans who fell out of watching) all saw The Doctor's Wife, written by Neil Gaiman. I went back and watched the previous 3 episode in this season, so now I'm going to talk about it.

Eps 1&2:
-Holy CRAP, Steve Moffat.
-Moffat has made it his life goal to make me unable to sleep. He also did The Empty Child (the gas mask one). It tool me forever to fall asleep. Why did it have to be aliens that *erase themselves from your memories* as soon as you turn away? Why? Amy's pregnant and not-pregnant at the same time. WILL YOUR BABY HAVE A TIME HEAD, AMY?
-Oh, River. I only just met you, but. *sad*
-Well, that little girl will be important. Looks like Amy...had a time baby.

Ep 3 (Curse of the Black Spot):
-I saw part of this while babysitting, so it was nice to see the whole thing.
-Thaaaaaaat's the second time we've seen the slidy-window-thing.
-Captain: Toby!
Amy: Rory!!!
Doctor: MY TARDIS!!!!!!!!!! *snuggles*
-It's nice to have an episode with a (relatively) happy ending. She didn't even turn out to have been evil!

The Doctor's Wife:
-Whoever this is, she's perfect. Be warned, I shall be quoting a lot.
-"I like biting! It's like kissing except there's a winner."
-I love how she calls him her thief.
-Ag. That scene with Amy and Rory in the hallways with House just about stopped my mind. They weren't the usual creepy fair; the horrifying thing wasn't an outside factor, it was themselves.
-Oh Rory. You are so the pretty one. (Amy's "the orange one".)
-Okay, so everyone always knew that the only true pairing is Doctor/Tardis, although I had been considering Amy/Rory/Doctor OT3. But we've even had the Tardis humanoid. WE HAVE SEEN THEM KISSING.
-That was in fact my attitude towards bunk beds for quite a while. However. Amy and Rory are in fact married. They'd like a real bed,kthx.
-This episode actually did make me tear up.
Sexy: Doctor? Are you there? It’s so very dark in here.
Doctor: I’m here.
Sexy: I’ve been looking for a word. A big, complicated word, but so sad. I’ve found it now.
Doctor: What word?
Sexy: Alive. I’m alive!
Doctor: Alive isn’t sad.
Sexy: It’s sad when it’s over. I’ll always be here. But this is when we talked and now even that has to come to an end. There’s something I didn’t get to say to you.
Doctor: Goodbye?
Sexy: No, I just wanted to say … hello. Hello, Doctor. It’s so very, very nice to meet you.

i can has technology, steve moffat aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, doctor who, teary, sad

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