Jun 05, 2004 18:58
At work today and in a very interesting decussion with Ruben abuot religion and human nature and related topics (which enced up with us having 1 1/2 hours for lunch instead of 1/2 hr) i was asked the question of " Would you rather live in a concrete jungle and feel safe and comfortable or be in the real jungle with nature always looking for things to eat or that could eat you? ". My answer was instant, real jungle all the way baby. The reason being that:
1 I love the outdoors and how more outdoors can you get than living in the jungle.
2 I wouldn't have to worry about the material things that seem to tie everyone down and keep them tied up.
3 I am a pure adrenalin junkie, and nothing can compare to killing what you eat, and im sure that being chased , with something wanting to eat you, would be quite a big rush to.
Why would you want to be safe all the time? Safe is boring, its easy, its DULL!!! Anyone can play it safeand most of us do. I do admit that i may play it safe every now and then but i also state in my defence that one of my faverite past times is free climb rock climbing because if you slip knowing that there is nothing to stop you from falling a hell of a long way (sometimes depending on the climb) down, often onto rocks. And that really gets the heart racing.
Please think about which you would rather live in and get back to me. It would be interesting to find out how many play it safe.