Jan 01, 2015 00:49

2014 was an .... Interesting year. It started off with acolades but the rapidness of the tide turning was a huge learning curve for me ..... Moments at most vulnerable yet others of my greatest strength...moments of total confusion and as many of perfect clarity....lessons learnt and foolish mistakes made....
Many many changes, most for the better.... You'd think I'd know better eh!
Much love shared and an amazing understanding that I never knew existed.....the depth of which overwhelms me at times and reminds me of how grateful I need to be....
To be the best version of me that I can be.... To remember to stand still and be in the moment.... To let go of the things that don't matter.... To look after myself ..... To put those that matter before anything else.... To live life .... To love and be drink champagne and dance on tables.....

Happy New Year xxx
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