Dokuga Christmas Exchange 2018 Part II

Dec 27, 2019 07:51

December 15, 2018 At the Zoo in Washington D.C.

Zoo lights should be an event that should be held in the summer Sesshomaru mused as he adjusted his scarf and tried in vain to keep warm against the wind chill. Rin was excited and was skipping along with Kikyo dragging her mother ahead so that she could take a picture with the Panda mascot that had just arrived. Next to him, Inuyasha let out a laugh at Rin’s actions nudging Sesshomaru as he did so.

“Who do you think is dragging who? Rin or Kikyo.”

Sesshomaru huffed. “Hn, it’s Rin for sure. That girl can make you do the weirdest things.”

“Oh yeah?” Inuyasha asked giving his brother an appraising look. “Rin told us about the elf-lady incident. She’s got you wrapped around her finger that’s for sure.”

Sesshomaru turned to look at Inuyasha, an eyebrow raised. “As if she doesn’t have you wrapped around her fingers?” He asked coming to a stop at some tables near the Panda Pavilion. Rin and Kikyo had joined the line queuing up for pictures with the mascot, and he was content to watch them from here.

“Keh, you’ve got a point.”

The brothers stood in silence for a while watching Rin and Kikyo. Once the picture was taken, Rin and Kikyo came towards them Rin beaming in happiness. Sesshomaru idly wondered how the little girl could be so energetic and excited in this cold. He himself was freezing, and it was taking everything he had to not stomp around in a circle to get some warmth circulating in his body. Right now, the fireplace with large flames in his apartment lobby was really appealing to him.

“Uncle Sesshomaru!” Rin grabbed the hand not in his pocket using it as a bungee to jump up and down. “Can we go see the gingerbread village together? Mommy said she wants to go inside and get warm.”

Sesshomaru leveled a glare at Kikyo. Traitor, he thought, leaving me to be dragged in the cold while you enjoy the warmth that I am dying for. He sighed though, knowing that Kikyo needed to relax. She and Inuyasha had just told him about her new pregnancy yesterday. If Kikyo suggested going inside

it likely meant she was tired and needing a break. And it was likely Inuyasha would go with her. This of course, would leave him with Rin.

Giving Kikyo a nod, he turned to address Rin. “Alright Rin, let’s get going.”

The two of them walked the short distance to the gingerbread village passing the large blue elephant lights on their way. Rin had a grand time following the foot and paw prints on the walkway. Once at the village, Sesshomaru looked around to see what was there. It wasn’t really much of a gingerbread village, but he had to give them some effort for trying to house a gingerbread house in the elephant conservation pavilion. As he looked around, he spotted a familiar face and stared.

Rin followed his gaze and her squeal of excitement was loud enough to cause stares in their direction now.

Of course, a moment later, Rin’s hand left his, and he panicked as he tried to find his niece.

“Uncle Sesshomaru look! Izz her!”

Sesshomaru walked quickly in the direction Rin’s voice came from finding her, miraculously, in the arms of the lady from the mall. He approached them, his anger present on his face. Plucking Rin from the woman’s arms, he held tight to her. It was clear Rin understood that she was in trouble because the smile fell from her face.

“Rin Elaine Taisho!” He stated, his voice louder than he would have liked. “First of all, you do not run from me in a public place. That is dangerous, unsafe, and I know your parents raised you better than that.” He lowered his voice before continuing. “And you know better than to yell the way you just did and bother people. Apologize right now!”

Rin’s eyes teared up at the fact that her uncle was mad at her. She really hadn’t meant to get in trouble or break the rules. She just wanted to go see the elf-lady again. A few drops leaked out of her eyes, dripping down her face. Throwing her arms around her uncle she hid her face in his shoulder feeling bad for what had just happened. His hand came to rest on her back in a soothing manner, moving up and down and calming her as he did so.

“I’m sorry.”

The voice startled Sesshomaru who now made eye contact with the woman Rin had run to.

“I really am sorry.” Kagome began again, wringing her gloved hands together. “I had no idea she’d still recognize me when I didn’t have my costume on.”

Sesshomaru shook his head. “It’s not your fault. She shouldn’t have acted in the way that she did regardless of whether she recognized you.” He hesitated, then adjusted Rin’s weight in his arms. Holding a hand out, Sesshomaru introduced himself.

“Ah, nice to meet you Sesshomaru. I’m Kagome.” She looked over at Rin, who by now had turned her head to look at her in curiosity.

“Why are you here?” The little girl asked. Sesshomaru moved to reprimand her, but Kagome merely smiled waving a hand to tell him it was okay to ask her question.

“I’m actually not usually an elf Rin. I’m visiting my family here for Christmas, and I took a break from them to visit zoo lights today.”

“Not an elf?” Rin questioned tilting her head at an awkward angle to look at Kagome.

“No.” Kagome amended deciding that a partial truth was better now than the white lie she had spun earlier. She had not expected to run into the two after that fateful day at the mall, but figured that now she did, it was best to make do with the situation. “I work part of the time in the mall.” Rin didn’t need to know where she worked, or for how long she was working, just that she did. That should hopefully be enough to appease the little girl.

“Oh, okay.” Rin wiggled in Sesshomaru’s arms before stopping her movements and looking at Sesshomaru. “Uncle Sesshomaru can you pleez put me down now?”

Sesshomaru raised a brow but did as she requested. He didn’t completely let go of her though. Right before she slid down from his arms, he gently grabbed one of hers, crouching down so that he could speak to her face to face. He couldn’t have another incident like the one that had just occurred. Rin needed to know that this time she would be in a whole load of trouble if she didn’t follow the rules and hold his hand the entire time they went walking in the zoo.

“I let you down Rin,” he started, “because I believe that I can trust you to hold my hand and not let go. Do you promise to do that?” Rin nodded, holding out her pinky to her uncle who dutifully obliged her and twisted his around hers. She then turned to look at Kagome.

“Are you alone?” Kagome blinked, clearly confused at having been addressed, but she nodded, nonetheless.

“Then, she can join us right Uncle Sesshomaru?” Rin asked carefully.

Said man could only wonder how his niece kept putting him in these kinds of situations. He stood up from his crouched position and gave a shrug towards Kagome. “Your call.” He answered.

It wouldn’t hurt to have this woman join them. It was just zoo lights- a whole bunch of lights strung around the national zoo. There really wasn’t any harm in inviting her to tag along because everyone present was technically tagging along with him and Rin as they took in the sights.

Kagome fidgeted, shuffling her feet a little as she thought about the request. It wasn’t a terrible one, and it might be kind of fun to see zoo lights from a child’s perspective. “Um, if you’re sure, I’d love to join you two.” She grinned shoving her gloved hands in her pockets after adjusting her scarf. “Um, do you want to lead the way?”

Rin nodded eagerly, dragging her uncle with a smiling Kagome trailing after them. They saw the dancing trees, Rin taking enjoyment in the lights, and a laser show that was animated to the tune of popular Christmas carols. This was followed by a ride for Rin on the carousel and a brief moment of oohing and aahing at some color changing rocks. Finally, they arrived at a location that had no real lights to speak of but instead had a cafeteria of sorts. Eager to get inside and be warm, Kagome began to head inside when she heard someone clear a throat. Turning from the cafeteria walkway she turned to look at Sesshomaru who was a few steps down form the area.

“I promised Rin smores earlier today. You’re welcome to join us. I don’t eat them, and Rin won’t be able to eat all of them.” Kagome hesitated so he continued. “The smores are made over a warm campfire.”


Now this, Kagome had to see. She stepped back onto the main path and followed Sesshomaru to the Smores area. There was an area with fire basins, some glowing warm and dancing with flames, while others were empty. The three made their way inside when an attendant stopped them and told them they had to buy smores materials. Sesshomaru sighed, walking away, pulling out his wallet as he did to pay for the smores while Rin and Kagome gazed as the fire was lit in their basin. Kagome kept a tight hold of Rin not wanting the little girl to go too close to the flames.

By the time he returned, the girls had warmed up a little standing near the warm fire. Thus, he was content to pass the smores materials to Kagome and hold Rin while huddling as close to the warm fire as he dared. The heat was absolutely magical, warming some of him up. Hearing his phone chime, he opened it to see a text from Inuyasha. After telling him where he was with Rin, he put his phone away just as Kagome pulled the first marshmallow from the fire. Realizing she needed help, Sesshomaru got the graham crackers and chocolate ready before placing the warm marshmallow on top and handing the treat to Rin.

“Yummy!” Rin grinned her face already showing a line of marshmallow on her cheek.

Sesshomaru laughed as he watched Kagome pull a second marshmallow out of the fire. He got the smore ready and handed it to Kagome who was already busy with another marshmallow. She looked at him, then back at the marshmallow trying to figure out the best way to avoid flames, or a burnt marshmallow, while still enjoying a smore. Rin giggled at the situation and both adults turned to look at her, wondering what her giggles were about.

“You haves to give it to her!” Rin managed out between her giggles.

Her suggestion was ignored though as Kagome gave out a little eep and pulled her burnt and still on fire marshmallow from the fire. “Or maybe I can just take it from him and leave the toasting to him while I eat?” Kagome suggested eyeing the burnt and gooey mess that was on her stick.

Sesshomaru grinned, nodding at that, and the situation, as he handed Kagome her smore.

By the time they were finished enjoying their smores and warming up by the fire, Inuyasha and Kikyo arrived. Rin ran up to them, dragging her mother and father over to go meet the elf-lady she had met in the mall who was only an elf-part time. Her parents shared amused glances at the girl’s words but followed her, nonetheless. They introduced themselves to Kagome who shyly greeted them back and offered them one of the last smores that they had just made.

“I’ll pass,” Kikyo stated jerking a thumb towards her husband, “Inuyasha though would enjoy one I’m sure.”

Inuyasha rolled his eyes at his wife, but thanked Kagome nonetheless as he took the offered smore. “You heard what the wife lady said- smore for me.” Rin giggled once again, smushing herself to her mother’s side.

“Did you like the smore daddy? Uncle Sesshomaru made them for me and the elf-lady.”

Kagome groaned, hiding her face in her hands. She was seriously regretting her decision about playing along with Rin. It was one thing to be called that in the mall as she was trying to make the girl happy. It was another to constantly be referred as the “elf-lady” in public. It was embarrassing and caused a whole lot of unwanted stares. Sesshomaru cleared his throat, catching Rin’s attention, along with the others. He started speaking before Kikyo could reprimand her.

“Rin, what you said just now was mean. You know that the nice lady has a name- it’s Kagome. Use it.” Rin’s eyes widened, and she moved closer to her mother embarrassed at having been reprimanded twice by her uncle in front of the elf lady. What if Santa heard about what she did today?

“I’m sorry.” She stated looking up at Kagome. “Can I call you Miss Kagome then?” Kagome, still in shock and embarrassment could only dumbly nod her head grateful that she was being referred to by her given name now instead of the character she’d taken to portraying.

“Well, that’s good to know!” Inuyasha announced, cutting the awkward atmosphere, picking his daughter up, and putting her on his shoulders much to her delight. “But, now, I think we have to head home. Someone’s bed time is coming up soon.”

“Izzit mine?” Rin grumbled into his hair.

“Of course, you silly.” Her mother answered smoothing down her daughter’s bangs. “And it’s mine too. I’m feeling tired as well.”

Rin sighed but nodded knowing that she couldn’t argue this one. Her bedtime rules were strict, and she’d never once gotten away with staying up past her bedtime. Besides, she didn’t want to do anything else that might put her on Santa’s naughty list, especially in front of Kagome who was Santa’s elf. What if she told Santa about all the things she’d done tonight? That would put her on the naughty list for sure and result in her losing out on some Christmas presents!

She turned her head to look at Sesshomaru and Kagome. “Uncle Sesshomaru, we’re going home. Good night!” Sesshomaru walked up to her, taking one of her hands in his.

“Actually, Rin I’ll head out with you. We both get on the same metro train anyway.” He looked back at Kagome. “It was nice to see you again. You’ll get home safe?”

Kagome nodded waving her phone which she had taken out of her pocket. “Someone’s picking me up soon in a Lyft.” She smiled at them all. “It was nice to see and meet you all. Have a good night.”

And with goodbyes exchanged, the group split up, each party going home in their own way.

December 31, 2018 At a random bar off of U-Street and 14th around 11 p.m.

Kagome nodded along as Koga left to go get another beer from the bar. She heaved a sigh as he left, laying her head on the table for a moment. Koga was nice, very nice, but he was too touchy-feely for her comfort, and it was quite obvious the poor man was still in love with his ex. She was grateful

that Sango and Miroku had found her someone to spend time with when they went out to celebrate New Year’s Eve, but Koga was pushing it. She would have been perfectly content by herself.

“Tired already?” Kagome squeaked and opened her eyes, lifting her head and staring at the owner of the voice.

“Sesshomaru?” She eeped out in confusion. What in the world was that man doing here? Of all the places he could celebrate New Years Eve in DC, it just had to be this one that he picked?

“Kagome.” He greeted back his eyes sparkling in amusement. “I think it’s safe to say this must be more than coincidence if we’re meeting again.” And this really had to be, he mused. Meeting her at the zoo might have been excusable, but this was definitely some kind of weird fate driven encounter. He frowned for a brief second at that thought. He must have been hanging out around the females in his family for a little longer than planned today.

Kagome laughed snapping him out of his musings. “I guess you’re right. It is kind of miraculous that we’re meeting again now isn’t it?” She grinned at him as he moved to take a seat at her table. “Following me around now?”

“I could say the same about you.” He quipped back, glancing once over his shoulder. “I have to ask though, that man staring at us from the bar, should I be concerned?”

Kagome looked into the direction Sesshomaru indicated noticing Koga staring at the two of them. He didn’t look angry or concerned, more resigned. Kagome did feel a bit bad for him. While she hadn’t really wanted to entertain his attention tonight, she still thought she should at least attempt to make sure he found Sango and Miroku again. Or that he at least had a way home. Biting her lip as she thought about what to say and finally decided the truth was better than nothing.

“Koga is someone my cousin and his wife set me up with for tonight.” She admitted with a sheepish shrug, her dangly, sparkly earrings shaking with the movement. “He’s a sweet guy, but he’s not entirely over his ex, so it’s interesting night.”

Sesshomaru sat straighter in his seat. “So, did I crash a date?” He asked gauging her response.

He had to admit, Kagome was interesting, and it might be nice to get to know her. To be honest, at this point, after meeting her three times in three very different circumstances, he had decided that it may be a sign he was destined to keep meeting her. It was high time he actually introduced himself to her and got to know her but doing so while crashing her date may not be the best time to do so. In fact, it was quite obviously the wrong way to do so. He briefly lamented the fact that this was a situation where he had no Rin around to ease him into a conversation with Kagome.

Kagome let out a laugh, shaking her head as she did so. “Oh gods no.” Sobering for a moment, she peeked over at Koga who by now was chatting with someone at the bar as he drank his beer. “I think my cousin just wanted to make sure I wasn’t alone tonight you know?” Kagome stated lifting her glass and taking the last sip of her drink.

“Ah, so me keeping you company for the rest of the year won’t be a problem then.”

It took Kagome a few seconds to understand what he meant by his statement, but when she did, she gave him a smile. “Course not. You sure you want to get to know little old me though? I mean, I am

the elf-lady.” She leaned in closer as she said the last few words. Part of it was to hear him better. The other half hoped that she was actually doing something that seemed liked flirting.

“Hn.” Sesshomaru’s eyes twinkled with mirth. “Of course, I would.” He whispered back, with a grin. “After all, I am just Santa on a diet.” With a wink, he leaned in towards her, his arm rising to drape around her chair which was suddenly quite close at the all too small table.

His statement caused Kagome to laugh again attracting them a few stares.

“You’re actually not that bad to talk to.” Kagome replied pushing some of her hair behind her ear. “So, why’d you decide to stop by this table? You aren’t really following me, are you?” This time her question was accompanied by a raised eyebrow and her leaning back towards her side of the table.

“No, I’m not following you.” He paused though, looking around as if searching for someone. “But, I am wondering how I found you this time without Rin around.”

Kagome couldn’t help but grin at him. He was definitely more humorous than she had pegged him for. She gave him a nod as though she agreed with him about Rin. “Hmm, that is quite true. She’s at home, is she?”

“With her grandparents.” He answered, looking over at the right at Inuyasha and Kikyo who were still on the dance floor. Kagome followed his gaze and nodded in understanding.

“I see, grandparents on babysitting duty while the parents and uncle go out?”

Sesshomaru inclined his head in her direction. “You would be correct.”

She had finished her drink now, and he was suddenly craving a good shot of some form of alcohol. The only way to refill her drink, and get one of his own, was to head up to the bar and grab something. But, before he did that, he wanted to make sure that Kagome was okay with his idea and would still be here at this table when he returned. And just maybe, if he played his cards right, he could ring in the new year with her and actually get to know her better. He opened his mouth to speak but was unable to say anything as Kagome spoke first.

“Do you dance Sesshomaru?” Confused for a moment at her sudden question, he could only stare at her for a second before he nodded.

Grinning she stood, holding out her hand to him as she did so. “You know, 2018’s not been so bad. But maybe 2019 has some nice surprises and new things in store for me.” Sesshomaru took her hand, accepting her invitation. Using it as leverage to pull her closer, he wound an arm loosely around her waist, feeling content when she didn’t rebuff his advances.

“You know what, it just might.”

The drink could wait he thought. He had a nice woman in his arms who wanted to dance with him and ring in the new year with him. This was even a nice woman who got along well with Rin, one of the most important females in his life. He’d make the most of this night and see what the future had in store. He was already here anyway, and so was she. So, he led her to the dance floor where some loud pop music was playing watching her mouth the words and grin up at him as she leaned close.

“Know what Sesshomaru? I think this is the right way to ring in the New Year.” He could only nod along to her statement as they danced the night away.

Of course, both of them thought it was a good start to 2019 when they kissed each other at midnight, and at 1 am, and later, at 10 am the next morning when Kagome made them breakfast in his apartment with only the bare, slightly snow covered, trees of Meridian Hill Park as their witnesses.

It was the first of many kisses to follow with Rin being witness to the most important one right after Kagome and Sesshomaru both said, “I do!”
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