bye bye..T_T~~ さよなら!!

Apr 30, 2009 17:45

today is my very bad day..
- i fail my anatomy test and have to repeat the paper
- my fever gets better but my ears getting worse
- i have to goodbye to my internet!!!  i really can't handle this..

i don't know when i'll be back..mybe a month or so.. and i can't go flailing anymore~~ 

ok let's get to the main point!! picspam of HSJ-ing con... AGAIN!!
i'm sorry but i just can't help it~~

because the limited time i have.. i just post the one i really really LOVE!!! 

gomen!! i was really in a's my last day in this room.. nothing left here except me and my lappy~~
じゃみんな~~ お元気で。。さよなら!!!

# hey! say! jump, hsj ~ best, random: picspam, !! ♥ dear diary ♥ !!, hsj ~ 7

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