Jun 25, 2005 00:40
Yeah, got back from the GAME. It was SO much fun. I was such a stealthy mafia member XD. Didn't get caught once.
Me: *sees car* *DIVE INTO BUSH* It was SO much fun.
Man, I was wrong about Ryota, he's such a nice guy ^.^. Especially when I went into the prickle bush Dx. Yeah, when we went back to Grace's place we started talking about B'z X3 <3.
John and I are starting to hang out more and more...So, he invited me to an all night jam tomorrow night ((If it happens)). And I'm going to practice my guitar until my fingers bleed to get okay at playing it for that night Dx. But, it will be fun, I wonder who all will be there, though. God, I hope I'm not the only girl.
Kimmy/Josh's mom almost made me sink into the carpet on the way home. I got home at 12:30, so, she drove me because she didn't want me walking home. And as we drove into my driveway she's like, "Hey, do you like John? Because I think he likes you..." Me: "THANKS FOR THE RIDE =D *dives out of car*" Dx. What is with people all of a sudden and doing that?!
Man, I'm so glad I went tonight, it so changed my opinions about people. Although, I was kind of scared when Ryota was so enthusiastic about the B'z poster I told him my homestay had...>_>