you are Kyo trying to make sense out of the english language. Now we're not implying that you can't speak english or are completely stupid, but sometimes you think it's cool to throw in a few words in a foreign language here and there, regardless of how badly pronounced they are... fooka? sexjelly? Sure, whatever floats your boat >_> You appear to be well-liked due to your friendly nature, but can be somewhat naive. Bear in mind that sometimes the people are laughing AT you, not WITH you. want to know what your Dir en grey personality is? Then take the quiz at
esoteric symphony Hogawd *deep breaths*
I am Kyo!
don't worry... stay calm, the paramedics will be here soon. you, our pouty ball of fur, are Kyo; eclectic vocalist of Dir en grey everyone wants to hug you because you're so kawaii but... you bite o_O; which presents a problem... none the less we adore you for your on stage antics and none the less frantic, mesmerising lyrics.want to know who you are? Then take the quiz at
esoteric symphony XD >_< *falls over*
That was so amusing. Buyo finds the weirdest things...