Two orders of business today. Firstly,
k-k-k-k-k-k-k added me to their friends' list today, completely inexplicably. There are no entries on the journal, and the only notable feature is that the friends and communities it has selected are all journals beginning with K names. Most curious.
Secondly, my friend Del (
waruiushi). She's real busy with college lately and is really hurting for money to pay tuition and do important things like, you know, eat, and all that stuff. She's an absolutely marvelous artist, however, and as a way of sustaining herself as of late she's been having sales on her art. She's been selling her computer-done Painter portraits that normally run around $50 for only $20. I commissioned her to do one of my last D&D character (a 60's/70's era fish-man with an addiction to hallucinogenic potions!) and it turned out perfectly and I absolutely love it, so I'm plugging her services here. Two examples of her characters are
here and
here, and the one she did for me is
here! The one she made for me was actually much, much larger, but I had to resize it to put it in my photobucket.
So if you're interested in feeding my friend and getting pretty pictures you can email her at (you should probably put the word "commission" in the title) or comment on this entry, I suppose. Oh, one last thing... in her post (which is friendslocked, alas) she said through PayPal only. Although I guess if I know you and you don't have PayPal and you live nearby me you could use mine and give me the money and I'll relay it to her.
Now, I should be reading 1984, but instead I'm probably going to go to bed and skim through the beginning tomorrow. And then read some cyberpunk novels in or between classes... This William Gibson fellow interests me.
so take a good look at my face
you'll see my smile looks out of place