[Silbert family cookbook, undoubtedly a dark omen]
One day, Sarah and I made chocolate-chip cookies!
Now, cookie-cooking is a complex and fascinating process, but for me the pivotal decision arrived only after the dough was prepared- namely, how were we to shape these tasty treats? Conventional circles bored us. I searched the surroundings for inspiration...
[inspiration discovered!]
But of course! In what better image to shape cookies than in that of DeBarge, a rather unknown but obviously hip 1983 pop group family whose fabulous album I had purchased randomly at the Great Barrington record store and brought along on a lark?
[initial shaping]
We quickly set about arranging the dough in DeBarge's super-extra-cool poses. From left to right that's Mark, James, Eldra, Bunny, and Randy.
[a brief comparison]
[total documentation was of the utmost importance]
We then shoved our creation into the oven and waited expectantly. Time passed. Tensions rose. Finally DeBarge emerged...
[the results]
[Sarah, displeased with the tragic outcome of our cookie experiment,
and out-of-focus because I am not used to my new camera]
Alas, the ill-fated DeBarges had mereged into an evil blob. Our cosmic cookie concotion concluded in catastrophe. Yet, it tasted good...