i. puzzled
I was happily enjoying switching between The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and New Super Mario Brothers when
khursten told me that Layton's English version was out. She's been raving about it for some time now, playing the game in its original Japanese version. Her initial games got me curious but frankly, I can't even play RPGs in Japanese, what more a puzzle game?
So, anyway, I nabbed the game yesterday and was blown away by the opening sequence. It's soooo purty! And it's dubbed! So much love!
Professor Layton and the Curious Village is a mystery game where you travel across St. Mystere, solving puzzles as you go along. The puzzles range from logic, to match, to optical illusions to brain-bending difficult things that can break your sanity! AND I LOVE IT!
View the English trailer to get a feel for the game but really, you have to really play it to appreciate it.
Click to view
ii. out and about town
A few piccies I snapped from the past few weeks:
It's a restwaran! So Pinoy! Only, it's Japanese!
In my day, we had Cheer bear, Bedtime bear, Funshine bear---really simple bears really. But this new one takes the cake. I mean, BILINGUAL AMIGO BEAR! How original is that? At least we know he can be friends with Dora.
A tester. For feminine wash. In a supermarket. OKAAAAA~~Y.
iii. purikura love!
Ganked from
Super Donut:
Insant Purikura fun for your existing piccies!
iv. squiggled updates
• Updated
Kitchen Cow with a new
obento entry.
• Updated my
movie list with Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo / The Girl who Leapt Through Time and 2 more episodes of Coffee Prince.