i. earthquake blues
Asia still hasn't recovered from the Taiwan earthquake. We're still posting all time lows bandwidth-wise. My torrent downloads are at a low 10k to as much as just 40k. I who's supposed to be enjoying a 1.5 mbps connection.
Sucks really. I can't start downloading Hana Yori Dango Season 2, that new Kimura Takuya Drama, Goong 2, Lunch no Juou, Gakuen Alice, Ugly Betty and all sorts of stuff I've been wanting to download. I'm way behind on Manga downloads either since I have a hard time keeping up minimum connection speeds on IRC. Hell, I can't even visit LJ from my house, hence the inability to update this blog. And I had so much to blog about. I can make a feeble attempt to encapsulate all the stuff I initially wanted to blog about, but it's still not the same.
I feel so pathetic; yes, I am a net whore. *sob sob*
ii. something to put a smile on my face
On the brighter side, the Canon people have finally called me up and have informed me that the replacement unit for my Canon IXUS II has finally arrived and can be picked up by Thursday. They're giving me a Canon IXUS 55, I assume because the IXUS II has long been phased out.
I immediately googled it, and yay! Happiness. It's a 5.0 megapix (upgrade from the IXUS II's 3.2), 3.0 cm macro (I dunno if this is better than the IXUS II's since I couldn't find the macro info for that cam), a bigger LCD screen, and MANUAL FOCUSING! Yay!
I can't wait to bento! I can't wait to take Pinky pics. I can't wait to take pics in general! I really should make this the year of the camwhore. I just realized how few pics of myself I have. But then, would I really want to remind myself of how much weight I've gained?
iii. pinky addiction
I'm feeding my pinky addiction with something else, other than just buying pinkies. I am now the owner of gajillions of sculpting material (Premo Sculpey and paper clay) from
Volty and
Chris (THANKIES!). I've also bought loads of craft tools, like an exacto knife, a cutting mat, a metal ruler---all seemingly cheap until I start adding up the costs.
Oh well. At least it's something to feed creativity, and not something to feed my mouth. ^_^;; No weight gain there, right?
iv. resolutions
I made a lot of new years resolutions. Plus I had a lot of ideas on what to blog about for new years. But frankly they've all slipped my mind. All I remember is that I have to lose weight, and try to save money. Maybe I'll get in the mood to do that resolution / recap post again, maybe I won't. Let's just wait and see.
v. what i've been watching / reading
And because I've been spending less time in front of the computer, I've been watching stuff on TV instead. It's something easier to do now since we bought a TV for the room last December. So my mom and I have a TV each; luckily, I get to watch on the bedroom TV since she prefers watching in the living room so she can do chores while doing so. I like the room TV since I moved the DVD player there. So it's a win-win situation.
So far, I've done a Haruhi Suzumiya marathon, and an Arrested Development one. I love Kyon, I love his seiyuu. I love the 5 main characters of Haruhi Suzumiya, so I'll be getting the complete Pinky set, prolly. I like how I don't have characters I detest or feel ambivalent towards in the series. That's surely a rarity.
Arrested Development I really enjoyed watching. I finished the first two seasons in just a few days plus a weekend. I have a teeny tiny crush on Michael Bluth, I guess. Especially when he's so clueless. Must find season 3. (Which I prolly could find online if only the net weren't so wonky -_-;;)
Oh yeah, and I'm now up to date with Japanese One Piece manga releases. Or well, at least the fan translated ones. FRANKY IS UGLY! Hahahaha. But he's likeable in a way. At least he's really reliable when it comes to battle. I still love Sanji, but what else is new?
vi. saving? who am I kidding?
Considering I've spent a large part of the afternoon shopping for manga. I even bought a couple already, only to cancel the transaction when I realized it wouldn't reach my San Francisco aunt in time for her 4th week of January trip to Manila. Now I'm getting my Texas aunt's address instead so I can buy the books in time for her early February trip.
Plus, I'm prolly buying a few additional toys when my mom buys me her promised Christmas gift of re-ments. Aaaack. Must have more self-control.