Disappointed with the 2024 Democratic Platform's climate change nothingburger

Aug 19, 2024 19:51

Democrats released their platform.

If I pare away the self-congratulatory rhetoric about all the things they say Biden has done, what do Democrats actually propose to do next about climate change?

Keeping in mind that the US is currently producing more CO2-emitting oil and natural gas than ever before, and more than any other country in the world.

They claim a goal of tripling clean energy production by 2030 (without saying which starting date they're using for the tripling from), but as I've said a zillion times, more clean energy production doesn't help if you aren't capping and then reducing dirty energy production.

"Democrats will keep working to incentivize investment in transmission upgrades and new lines, and in the grid-component manufacturing that’s needed to support that growth. We will improve and speed up the processes of environmental review and clean-energy permitting; and further scale up development of clean energy on public lands. We’ll also continue to invest in clean energy research and development."

Again, more investment in clean energy, but without capping and then reducing dirty energy production.

They mention tougher fuel efficiency standards, but those, again, are useless if we simply produce more vehicles to consume the fuel "savings".

"The Administration has put us on track to eliminate all carbon from the transportation sector by 2050."

But, "on track" means what, and how? There is no binding requirement that would accomplish this. Did Biden sign a ban on all carbon transportation fuels and engines by 2050? No.

Page after page of all the things Democrats are doing other than capping and reducing fossil fuel production. It's just subsidies for producing more clean energy, without doing anything at all to reduce fossil fuel production.

It's a fraud. It's the main reason I'm a Green, because Democrats aren't actually doing anything about climate change, they're just subsidzing the growth of clean energy while pretending that's enough to solve the problem. It doesn't solve the problem at all.

climate change, green party

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