Mar 08, 2024 06:25
Biden opened with the need to save "freedom and democracy" both at home and abroad, highlighting Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Let me remind everybody that Ukraine is no longer a democracy. Elections in Ukraine have been suspended. Under Ukraine's constitution, there should be a presidential election this month. Nope, the current president has declared martial law and there will be no election. I'd withhold all aid from Ukraine until it held a fair and free election.
As for defending democracy at home -- if Biden truly believed in democracy he wouldn't be running for a second term, because a large majority think he's too old to serve effectively and 56% disapprove of his performance in the job (more than disapproved of Trump four years ago). Furthermore, if Biden truly believed in voting rights, his Democratic Party would not be filing lawsuits to restrict the ballot access of RFK Jr and Stein, instead he'd welcome all challengers to a fair and free election.
Biden wants to restore Roe v Wade via federal legislation. I would go farther, I'd cap the number of children born each year via a lottery system. I expect this issue alone would torpedo my campaign, but at least I'm honest about my platform LOL.
Biden takes credit for beating COVID, but more US residents died from COVID under his leadership than under Trump's. And now Biden's CDC has dropped its guidance that people with COVID isolate until they're no longer infectious. Biden promised to follow the science, but he didn't.
Biden claims the US has the lowest inflation rate in the world LOLOL.
70 countries have lower inflation than the US right now, according to the latest statistics. Under Biden, the US suffered the highest inflation since 1981.
Get you a President who doesn't lie to you about the prices you see at your grocery store.
"And now instead of importing foreign products and exporting American jobs, we’re exporting American products and creating American jobs - right here in America where they belong!"
The US trade deficit in goods under three years of Biden is larger than ever before he took office. Get you a President who doesn't lie to you about the imported goods you see at your Walmart.
"Americans pay more for prescription drugs than anywhere else. It’s wrong and I’m ending it."
The latest statistics show that the average US household is spending 27% more on pharmaceuticals than they were four years earlier. Get you a President who doesn't lie to you about the prices you see at your CVS.
Biden wants a new $5,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers (without saying how he'll pay for it). OK, but the average monthly mortgage payment for first-time homebuyers has nearly doubled during the past two years (from $1,190 to $2,035), so that $5,000 will cover about six months of the higher cost, while homebuyers will be stuck with that higher mortgage payment for 30 years.
"While we’re at it I want to give public school teachers a raise!"
LOL, so do I.
"I’ve already cut the federal deficit by over one trillion dollars. I signed a bipartisan budget deal that will cut another trillion dollars over the next decade."
The federal debt has gone up $5.3 trillion during Biden's first three years, roughly twice as much as during Trump's first three years.
He wants to increase taxes on corporations, and people making more than $400,000. OK, good luck getting that through the Republican House.
He wants to stop potato chip companies from putting fewer chips in the bag while charging the same amount.
So do I, LOL
He wants Congress to pass that bipartisan immigration bill that would make it more difficult for migrants to claim asylum in the US.
I'm for open borders.
He's for voting rights.
I'm for ballot access. What good is having the right to vote when your ballot only shows two options, Biden & Trump? Furthermore, I'm for proportional representation.
"Banning books. It’s wrong! ...
Pass the Equality Act!"
I agree!
"I’m taking the most significant action on climate ever in the history of the world."
If by most significant action you mean allowing record oil & gas production and the highest oil & gas production in the world. Get you a President who doesn't lie to you about our carbon emissions.
"Last year, the murder rate saw the sharpest decrease in history, and violent crime fell to one of the lowest levels in more than 50 years."
The murder rate is still higher than it was at this point in Trump's first term. Get you a President who doesn't lie to you about the number of bodies in the morgue.
"I’m demanding a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines! Pass universal background checks!"
I agree. Good luck getting these through the Republican House.
Then he tries to stand on both sides of the Hamas/Israel conflict, providing lethal weaponry to Israel, and humanitarian aid to Gaza.
A two-state solution!
I don't pretend to have a solution to this one. But I wouldn't give weapons to either side.
"In my career I’ve been told I’m too young and I’m too old."
Well, now you're too old. This isn't a bothsides issue LOL.
Good night.