Feb 20, 2024 19:24
Had the telework day, but spoke with T for a while to hear about his gout experience. He said I should go ahead and see my doc about this episode even if it feels better tomorrow, to get a referral to a specialist. They can do blood work and scan the knee to see what's up. When I look back to my LJ posts from mid-December, this pain arose suddenly while I was asleep, but then was so much better the following day. I'm hoping I wake up to feeling better tomorrow.
I hobbled around and did some chores today, but no formal exercising, not even a walk. Tomorrow I may at least try a walk around the block to get the blood flowing. We'll see.
The massage was great, then I cooked when I got home, now I will probably watch some TV downstairs on the Xbox, because it is signed into Amazon Prime which I do not have. Downstairs it is signed in by B. At the condo it is signed in by K. I do need to get to the condo, I don't like for it to be vacant for so long. I expect to spend Friday night there, though if my knee is still hurting it will not be playtime, just watch TV or read time.
OK, Bug, let's transport this body downstairs, and see which cats want to rest on my lap.