Jan 10, 2024 19:33
Five days off! Except I still need to sign payroll and one of my staff hasn't turned his timesheet in yet. In the morning I will pester him via personal text message if he hasn't done it by a reasonable hour. I don't want to bother with it after I leave the house. I need to leave by around Noon so I can get to my haircut at 2pm and then to the hotel between 3-4pm.
The Red Line will be closed on Saturday/Caturday, the one day when I might need to head back to the house to check on the cats. So, I'll park in a public garage in Silver Spring tomorrow, so I can take the bus back to my car on Saturday morning to drive home, then I'll reverse that trip after checking the cats. Unless I get somebody else to do it for me.
I worked a full day, so I'm home a bit too late to cook dinner. I'm having a cocktail while I decide what to do about dinner, or will I skip dinner and play with toys LOL. It's a bit too late to start playing with toys also, especially because I want to be well rested tomorrow morning. I'll probably either have soup with crackers, or cheese with crackers, or soup with cheese & crackers, and then head to bed.
My starter decks for MtG arrived, so I can take them with me for the long weekend and see whether anybody wants to play during downtime. I might try a solo two-player game tonight.
Let's have soup, Bug.