Dec 30, 2023 06:56
I learned as I was about to fall asleep that one of my brothers is ill and so my local nephew needs a ride to the family gathering. This will add at least 20 minutes to my drive each way, but at least I'll have interesting company in the car -- though he might sleep the entire time LOL.
I also need to stop at an ATM to get Christmas Cash for all the niblings. I need to bring my checkbook to reimburse my hosting sister for the food & drink. And I need to bring my old XBOX for my sister's kids. I should pack a caffeinated drink in case I need some pep while driving.
I told my nephew I'd pick him up around 8:30am, which means leaving here by 8am. I need to do a few quick chores, brush teeth, trim beard, and shower. I'll probably need to fill up the gas tank along the way.
Ah, good, T is getting up, so I can be a bit noisier now as I get ready to go. Oh, I should also pack a swimsuit, my sister has a hot tub, but I'm not sure whether it will see any use today.
My main goal is to avoid eating too much today LOL.