negotiating with T about staying at the house

Dec 17, 2023 12:36

I'm to stay in my bedroom with the door mostly closed (can't close it all the way, the cats would be most upset) except while going to the bathroom or bringing food back to my room, and I will wear an N95 mask when not in my room. I'll wash my hands before going to the kitchen to get food, I'll bring the food back to my room. I'll turn off the ceiling fan upstairs to reduce circulation of air from out of my room or my bathroom.

I think I would've glady gone to the condo until Wednesday morning if I didn't have the dermatology appointment on Tuesday morning, and if I didn't feel it very important to keep that appointment because of the new growth on my left forearm. Getting to that appointment at 8:15am on Tuesday from the condo would be difficult, a long long drive during rush hour, and then driving all the way back to the condo during rush hour (the dermatology office is way way out in the suburbs and not Metro accessible -- 24 miles from the condo). So, I'd need to drive to the condo and garage my car, and then do that long drive back and forth on Tuesday, and then go to the office from there on Wednesday morning, and then drive back from there Wednesday night. That's a lot, and packing for three nights. So, I'd rather hole up in my bedroom until Wednesday morning, Day 11, when I'm going to the office anyway. If not for the appointment, I'd just Lyft to Metro today, and T would pick me up from Metro on Wednesday evening.

OK -- it's settled. I'll finish cleaning the kitchen, then I'll start laundry, and at some point later I'll start studying.

I haven't had any symptoms since Friday morning, so I'm probably not contagious, but we'll be careful through Day 10.

covid bug

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