Transition anxiety is HIGH this afternoon

Dec 03, 2023 15:26

I created a To Do List and a Packing List and after relaxing Friday evening, all day Saturday, and today until around 1pm ... ...

I'm now highly anxious about all I need to do before my trip :-(

I'm working to knock things off the To Do List, but I'm not feeling accomplished yet.

I do think I have plenty of time for doing all the things, but once I turned to doing all the things I got anxious about all the things. This is pretty much how my transition anxiety works, doing the list of things leads me to feel anxious about all the things on the list.

I may have enough of a grip on how this works now that talking with a therapist might help? But I don't have time for that until after my trip. So I have to get through this hump of trip-related transition anxiety and then I can seek a discussion about how to handle it better in the future.


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