Nov 30, 2023 19:25
What kinda war crimes was he up to?
Dropping more bombs on Cambodia than the Allies dropped during all of WW2, for example. A successful coup against the legitimately elected socialist president of Chile. Those are my top two, but there are more of the same. A lot of US foreign policy after WW2 was about stopping socialism wherever and whenever, including the Red Scare at home. WW2 had left a lot of the world worn out and wanting a more socialist kind of system. The US fought back against this with every tool it had. Then after the Berlin Wall fell, the Soviet Bloc fell into a sort of criminal capitalism but at least capitalism. And Communist China is practically capitalist now, with almost as many billionaires as the US. So then US foreign policy needed a new enemy: Terrorism! Now Biden is trying to pivot us back against China and Russia as Tyranny! So, basically all of this has been Kissinger’s ideas.
capitalism is not fake,
forever war,
foreign policy,
global studies bug