Friday lunch break

Oct 20, 2023 12:47

The termite inspection was quick, and we passed, but he didn't arrive until almost 10am which was a waste of my early morning, I could've stretched and gone on a walk.

Then I started making lunch -- was something that needed to bake in the oven for a while. It was very tasty! Then had a Noon meeting, which was over quickly. Now I'm looking outside, looks like rain is coming, if I want to exercise today I need to do it now, but ... yesterday I did all the things, I stretched, and ran, and lifted, and walked, and made lunch, and did chores, and was in the hot tub, so ... I'm feeling like a rest day today. I may still stretch later. I can run 4 miles tomorrow.

I have one document I need to edit today, then I can focus on some long-term projects, and can probably ignore work over the weekend and just hang out with T & B (or go to the condo tomorrow if they don't want/need me around).

I started blocking off some days off after next week, taking off the Monday after T leaves, and maybe that Friday also, then we also get Nov 10th as a holiday. If the government is not shut down, I'm taking off the Friday after Turkey Day.

I think that's it? Oh, we still don't have a Speaker, another vote failed this morning. So no aid for Israel or Ukraine. No progress on the annual budget. No etc.

Did I write that K is coming back to DC in January? Given his upcoming month-long trip to Madrid next month I'm probably not going back to Portland this year. I just have my December work trip to Beverly Hills that I haven't set up yet because it is beyond the current shutdown date. I was invited to Turkey Day at my ex-sister-in-law's house, as usual. The Bug Family Christmas date has not yet been selected.

OK, Bug, back to work until you go pick up T.


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