Monday morning

Aug 14, 2023 06:55

I slept well, even falling back asleep for more dreams, including a sex dream with a man who turned out to be transgender once we removed clothes. My dream probably presented the anatomy incorrectly (due to my personal inexperience), but I was game.

When I woke it got me thinking about how I haven't made out with a woman since I was a teenager, and only once did making out with a woman result in either of us having an orgasm via mutual masturbation. I've never had penetrative sex with a woman and haven't even made out with a transgender man. But in my dream the man had an orgasm, so I did something right LOL.


In between waking and falling back asleep I looked up some of the reviews for Stray Gods. They looked mixed. Video games are a competitive market and trying a musical video game with branching narratives in the middle of each song is challenging for the writers, the actors, and the audience (and the sound engineers, my only complaint was regarding the shifting volume levels). As each playthrough is different depending on your choices, I'm not sure the reviewers are even reviewing the same game that I experienced, and individual musical tastes will affect whether each player appreciates their experience. Not every person will be able to set aside their individualized expectations for what good music should sound like.

Like many other BioWare games that David Gaider worked on or inspired, there are multiple romance options and they aren't all easy to trigger, so these will also affect your experience of the game. I only attempted romance with one character and it didn't work out. One reviewer had a romance with a different character and that experience negatively affected the review.

I will probably play this game again after a while to gauge its replay value. I wish I could watch T play through it, but I'm not going to see him until next month and he might play it on his own before then. Maybe I can get another friend to play it in front of me, but it is too long for a weeknight date.


Today is not a Maids Day, but I need to take out the trash/recycling and prepare to commute. I have a new employee starting today, so I need to be there to greet her and sign documents and stuff, although usually not everything is ready on the first day in terms of all the computer hardware and software, the official photograph ID, and so forth. Sometimes some of these things are ready on the first day, but it typically takes a week or so for all the systems to adapt to a new person. Then there will be training on the systems, and so forth. Be patient, new person!

They're also allowed to start teleworking as soon as the hardware and software are set up for it.

Although with my day off on Friday to see T, and my three days in training next week, I technically won't have to go into the office again for two weeks, I will most likely commute again this week to continue building a relationship with the new person.


So, I'll pop out of bed at 6:30am to take out trash by 7am, have breakfast, feed & water cats, check hot tub chemistry, and commute. I think my next set of due dates are Thursday. I want to run 3 miles in the neighborhood tomorrow and 6 miles on the trail later this week. Hopefully lift weights also, since I skipped that last week.

--already did the trash and hot tub--

I think I'll plan to commute again Wednesday, run Tuesday and Thursday or Friday, lift weights on the other day. Next week I'm commuting Tuesday through Thursday but I'll be in training most of the day.

I'll think about when I could squeeze in a haircut or whether I'm just waiting for Zak to return at the end of the month.

OK, breakfast time!

monday monday, weekly reader

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