Jul 30, 2023 17:06
Woke pretty early, I think I fell asleep around 10pm while trying to rewatch something.
After sunrise and a little breakfast I went back out to the hot tub, morning hot tub!
Then B returned from paddling again, so I drove us to have lunch together where I had a gigantic burger, then dropped him off at his condo. But we ended up snuggling and napping for about an hour, that was nice. As we got up from his bed, he realized the power was out in his building. Oops. It was on when we got there, why did it go out? There was a big storm last night and we heard that some branches were delayed in coming down, maybe one knocked out the power to his building this afternoon.
B had someone coming over to give him a pro massage for a couple hours, so he kicked me out, but I offered to come back and pick up him and his perishables if he wants to stay at the house until his power comes back on -- he just accepted that offer, so I'll have company this evening. The estimate from Pepco is that it won't be restored until Tuesday at 3pm, which sounds crazy long from now, but that's what it says.
I spoke with my adult nephew for a while on FaceTime today about our family medical history, he had some questions now that he's an adult and is starting to get his own diagnoses of chronic stuff. Was good to talk with him, and I'll see his family on Saturday (probably with T, who returns on Friday).
I assessed how much work is on my plate and especially with B coming over I don't think I'll do much work today. If B weren't coming over I would probably have done a few more things to feel more caught up, but it shouldn't matter, most of the things are not due until the end of the week, there's really only one thing that must be looked at today, so I'll look at that while B cooks dinner or something -- he's bringing all his perishables so he'll be cooking :-)
I already took out the trash & recycling, and tomorrow is NOT a maids day. I'd thought about running 4 miles on the trail again tomorrow, we'll see.
10 minutes to kill until I leave to pick up B ...