Friday lunch break

Jun 23, 2023 12:30

"Society cannot successfully condemn conspiracy theorists while at the same time promoting and valuing theism, because theism is a conspiracy theory."

-- adapted from a reader comment on a NYT article

This comment concludes a rant from an atheist about how it makes no sense to complain about conspiracy theories in contemporary politics (or on the Internet, or on podcasts, etc.) when nearly all of our politicians claim to follow one of the mainstream religions.

Of our current US Congress, not one member openly claims to be an atheist. A large majority are Christian, most of the remainder are Jewish. A handful are Hindu or Muslim. Two are Buddhist, only one is "unaffiliated". But that unaffiliated member has nevertheless spoken highly and publicly of the universality of religious values.

Whereas about 30% of US adults consider themselves atheist, agnostic, or unaffiliated. If you want a future in politics, you'd better belong to a church or at least kowtow to your more religious constituents in some way.

But central to most religions is a faith in one or more gods, faiths that I'd agree are conspiracy theories. As Wikipedia states, "Belief in conspiracy theories is generally based not on evidence, but in the faith of the believer."

I've argued before here that religion doesn't deserve my respect, because it's all made-up junk. But I also believe both in freedom of religion and freedom from religion. Believe or worship however you want, but don't bother demanding that I "respect" you for it. You get to believe or worship however you want, and I get to think or say whatever I want.


Which is why I also defend a person's right to believe that homosexuality is wrong. I don't demand that you "respect" my life choices. But I do demand that you allow me to make my own life choices.


Anyway, finishing up my lunch then I'll try to focus on one or more big work projects until hopefully I quit work at either 3pm or 4pm.

I was able to go on a walk before work, dodging the thunderstorms. And I made quick work of refilling the hot tub, it may even be ready to use by this evening if weather permits (it takes a while for the 500 gallons of tap water to heat up).

And I'm caught up on all routine chores at the house and routine matters with work, so now ... let's try to focus on a Big Project for a few hours, Bug. Then I'll do more of that on Sunday.

religion, atheism, friday, free speech

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