yes, capitalism is a religion, it requires belief over evidence LOL (Tuesday lunch break)

Apr 04, 2023 13:31

"I’m not a socialist; I believe in capital markets."

--Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI)

I try to remember that socialism and capitalism are best used as tools rather than as belief systems. Sometimes market forces are helpful. Sometimes public ownership is helpful. Sometimes we need to regulate markets, sometimes regulations are counterproductive. But of course it is easier to hold a belief system than to gather evidence and make rational policy decisions about different industries and how to best provide for and protect consumers.

It's as simplistic to think that capitalism will solve everything, as to think that socialism will solve everything. No, humans have to do actual work to solve things, Solutionism! ;-)


I did stretch and run this morning before work -- it is truly feeling like spring outside! I've started moving the plants back outside, but there's no need to do all of them on one day, I'll do one per day when I'm at the house. Running made me so hungry. I think I'm finally full now after a gigantic lunch.

All my work meetings today have been canceled! I should be able to catch up on many of the items in my inbox (though not all, there's too many). I'll focus on completing as many of them as possible this afternoon, focus on the quickest ones first. [I'm also doing laundry and dishes in between things.]

Then T will go out for dinner with a mutual friend of ours, so I'll probably soak in the hot tub by myself tonight.

I made my haircut appointment for Saturday at 11am, so I'm going to commute on Friday, stay at the condo, get a haircut in the morning, come back to the house, take T to the train on Sunday morning ... and then I'll have the house to myself for just over a month, when both K and T return during the middle of my next busy season at the office.

It would be a good idea for me to get as much other work done as possible before the end of this month when things get busy. Meanwhile, I'll have the spanking party on the 15th, and Kent's game day on the 22nd for interim socializing.


I felt like a guy on Reddit was whining about not being able to find the type of relationship he wants, with the type of man he's attracted to, so I commented that the universe doesn't owe him this -- that finding potential mates is a lot of work -- and then I gave him some ideas for expanding his friendship network and making more friends. He thought I was being "condescending" and then he said he looked at my profile and I'm not the type of person he's attracted to anyway. It seems he wasn't really looking for advice, but for a sympathetic future boyfriend. A personal ad disguised as a request for relationship advice LOL.

But I must be overdosing on this Reddit advice stuff again because my sympathy tanks are running low. Guys lamenting how hard it is to find a relationship, as though the universe owes everybody the perfect relationship on the day they turn 21 years old. Just "cruise" a hot dude on the dating app of your choice and then live happily ever after.

Fulfilling relationships require learning relationship skills via trial and error, and require stepping outside of your comfort fantasy zone. Complaining about how "I can't find anybody I'm attracted to who is also attracted to me" could mean a lot of things, like your standards are too high, or maybe you need to take better pics and write up a better profile, or maybe you need to meet people in person via mutual friends instead of shopping online for guys whose pics look hot. Sigh. Condescending Bug ;-)

But, some people ask for advice when what they really want is sympathy from a hot daddy.

confidence bug, solutionism, religion, socialism, capitalism

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