There are massive global organizations of financial corporations that have banded together to take the planet Net Zero by 2050, at least this is their stated goal. Perhaps the largest is the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, GFANZ, which collectively owns or manages assets worth more than $150 trillion. This is perhaps 1/3 of the world's
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For example - take the current talk in the EU about setting a time limit since when vehicles with a conventional combustion engine won't be allowed for new registrations anymore. What are the lower classes to use as means of transportation then, if, at the same time, no government - with and without participation of a green party - proves to be able to build back a good public transportation network nationwide? Electric cars are way more expensive than cars with the conventional combusion engine. The question of costs for maintenance - how will that vary from a conventional car?
The current look of the world as it's getting painted with green marketing of the capitalist industry that only seeks to make profit with stuff seemingly "never seen before" - it's just a world only made for people who are equipped with the necessary loose cash in their wallets.
And that's not the working class which produces all the stuff that everyone consumes.
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