Jan 27, 2023 07:11
I only got two hours of toy time yesterday before T was headed home, but it was worth it after two weeks! Then I quickly cleaned up the living room and went outside to the hot tub instead. He got home while I was out there, came outside to say hello, then went in to eat leftovers -- I took a night off from cooking!
Then I didn't stay up late, went to bed when he did.
This morning I stretched, and now I need to get ready for a commute and one/two nights at the condo. I'll bring my new laptop to the office with me (plus my overnight bag), but I'll lock it up in my "manager's cabinet" -- this thing is too pricey to leave where anybody could grab it while I'm wandering around. I asked T to drive me to Metro so I don't need to park my car overnight somewhere.
Looks like I can quit work at 4pm today also -- that will give me time to tidy up the condo before DavidS arrives. I also need to do a more thorough cleaning of the condo this weekend prior to K's arrival next week.
Last night I finally felt back to normal after that norovirus sapped my energy and pushed me into solo video games for fun instead of my more social/physical activities. I enjoyed toys, porn, hot tub, intoxication, music, texting friends, ahhhh.
bug bro