Jan 09, 2023 08:15
OK, everything was done by 8am, cats are in jail, stuff is put away. If Maids arrive before 2pm I'll go on a long walk, if they arrive between 2-4pm I'll hole up in my bedroom for my two meetings. I may go on a long walk in the middle of the day anyway, I have nothing on my work calendar until 2pm.
I also made my final backup of my old laptop, wiped the hard drive, and am reinstalling the OS. This should clear up some weird behaviors that have accumulated over about 20 years of migrating from one laptop to the next. And now all three of my Macs will have been installed from scratch to the same version of the OS.
My new laptop is eligible for an OS upgrade, but my two older laptops are not, so for now I'm keeping them all at the same version while I make sure everything is working together the way I want.
My old laptop at the house will sit at the breakfast counter and I'll use it when I'm sitting there, such as when I'm eating; I'll also use it as a video server during Bug Time. My new laptop will follow me around everywhere else. My old laptops at the condo are basically video servers now.
I also turned on and updated my Windows Gaming laptop. There are some games that only run on Windows, that's why I have that laptop. It could also stand in as a video server if I wanted.
new laptop