Aug 16, 2022 09:28
For my first post-pandemic Game Day, I asked my good friend Steve which day worked best for him, and then I grew the rest of the Game Day around the two of us. That worked well! For my second post-pandemic Game Day, I tried this with a different friend, and it didn't work so well. Only three people showed up, and we had fun, but I started to feel like I needed a better system -- so many many people were not available that day, and the confirmed count was only one person until the last minute when Ben pulled through and brought his husband -- I wished I could see everybody's Outlook Calendars beforehand like when I schedule a work meeting.
So, this time I gave my four most reliable gaming friends a vote between Sep 3 and Sep 10. There was a clear winner, Sep 3, I've already got six people coming on Sep 3 (some of those who voted Sep 3 are bringing other household members); but I felt bad for those who cannot make Sep 3. So, I'm thinking of doing both -- Games on both Sep 3 and Sep 10, but for different groups of friends. Aiming to have a total of 4-8 people for each party.
Sep 3 is a definite, starting at 1pm (RSVP required), but I'm waiting to gauge interest in Sep 10 before I make it official. If one of my Reliable Four can make Sep 10, then I'll invite some others.
Organizing social events requires both admin work and physical work LOL.
Speaking of physical work, I'm still not fully recovered from all the physical work on Saturday. And I still need to move my home office back into the living room. My right knee still hurts from going up and down the stairs so much on Saturday, combined with lifting furniture and crawling around under the house to find the box of party supplies (napkins, paper plates, plastic cups, plastic forks, straws), and all the misc chores that T requires when he throws a party.
[As a multi-layered inside joke I wore my "Prefectionist" t-shirt to T's party -- poking fun at T's standards for holding a party, and also at my own mild dyslexia. Several people said it took a while before they realized the shirt was actually a joke, heh.]
So instead of running or lifting today, I went on a morning walk to favor my knee, and now I'll stretch and do yoga, and later I'll go on another walk in the evening. Hopefully I can return to running tomorrow, and lifting Thursday.
social bug,
game day,
gamer bug