I'm definitely feeling like even fewer people are reading what I have to say these days, on whatever platform, and I'm not sure what/whether to do [anything] about it ... for somebody who's been doing the online diary stuff since the late 1990s I don't think I've ever had fewer readers. But also not sure I need the stress of seeking additional
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Pictures and videos have taken over for the majority, superficiality and shallowness have moved in.
...Oh yeah, and people exchange fewer and fewer words. Communicate literally via one-liners.
Some bit might have also contributed to it that this is a politically pretty precarious and difficult time. People rather keep their opinion to themselves than to getting harassed online for it for only one time (which can become devastating to your real life, unlike in former times where barely anyone cared).
I'm feeling you too in that point; I would also better see it being different, but I've also never found a way to counter it in years...
But in general, how people use the internet and how they mainly communicate today isn't the same as it used to be.
The young people which already grow up as "digital natives" didn't ever get to know the way those communicate which had to start with an internet that mostly had to make do with letters. Being forced to mostly express yourself through words and everything that just the keyboard offers.
Sigh... Look like we all might need to learn Russian in order to meet interesting people for conversations, ... no?
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