hookup time!

Nov 11, 2021 10:33

Half an hour away, assuming he shows up on time (or at all), from my first hookup since before COVID!

Driving here was fine. I've had time to clean up and clean out and grab some alcohol in case he wants some. I definitely want some, helps me to chill. Some guys are "I refuse to Dom somebody who is intoxicated," and I respect that, but it isn't my style. It's why I liked the spanking parties much more than I liked the Sigma parties -- have a couple beers, talk with people, then play. At Sigma they were usually, though not always, anti-alcohol, which felt pointless and boring to me.

It's because DC doesn't allow both alcohol and customer sex at a public venue, even if it is membership only. Spanking doesn't count as sex, LOL. Spanking was the sweet spot!

Given how sleepy I was all night, I was wondering this morning whether my routine asthma & rhinitis symptoms were masking an oncoming cold, or worse, and whether I'd be exposing Mike from Recon ... but I have no subjective evidence that I'm having a respiratory infection. Just normal Reactive Airway Disease for Bug.

Should I warm up my butt with a toy while I'm waiting? Would he think that's sexy or presumptive? Heh ...

mike from recon, condo, post-covid, hookup bug

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