Jul 30, 2021 05:25
Regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, or sex ... 99+% of your DNA is the same as mine, or as any other person's. One geneticist wrote, "Essentially, every human is an identical twin."
Yet, we do have a variety of individual differences, both visible and hidden, both genetic and environmental, including which sex organs we have. Some of us produce sperm, some of us produce eggs, a very small number of us produce both, and some of us produce neither (either because we are too young, too old, or experiencing a medical condition). Continuation of the species requires that some of the egg producers mate with some of the sperm producers, so this individual difference has a lot of evolutionary significance. Getting that sperm to the egg is helped along when the sperm producer has a penis, which is used to insert the sperm into a vaginal tube that leads to the egg. Typically the sperm shoots out of the penis during an orgasm, but it can also dribble out during pre-orgasmic sexual arousal. Artificial means of introducing sperm to egg also exist.
So, yeah, an evolutionarily significant individual difference. But why do egg producers have to wear different clothing and hairstyles than sperm producers do? Why do egg producers have to use separate bathrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms than sperm producers do? Why do egg producers wear makeup on their faces, while sperm producers are expected to shave their faces? Why are Catholic priests restricted to sperm producers only? Why do we segregate sports competitions so that sperm producers only compete with other sperm producers, and egg producers only compete with other egg producers?
For me, identifying as nonbinary is not a rejection of the fact I'm a sperm producer, for me identifying as nonbinary is a rejection of all the ways in which we segregate egg producers from sperm producers, and treat sperm producers differently from egg producers. As I'm not interested in reproduction, my sperm-producer status is entirely irrelevant to my life, and should be to yours as well. And whether another person produces eggs or sperm or both or neither should be entirely irrelevant to me.
I'm not denying the existence of, or relevance of, sex organs. I'm simply pointing out that these sex organs are only relevant for reproductive purposes and should otherwise be treated as irrelevant if you aren't actively engaged in a reproductive sex act.
If you are looking for a mate for the purpose of reproduction, then I suppose you could ask the people you're interested in whether they produce the half that you don't. Sorry, I'm a sperm producer also, good luck in your quest for reproduction!
I also identify as agender. It isn't that my gender is nonbinary, I don't have a gender. I reject gender - not as being "separate" from the sex organs, but because genders only exist due to the mistaken assumption that sex organs dictate other aspects of a person's identity. A person born as an egg producer might prefer the gender historically associated with sperm producers - and identify as transgender. But I think these genders were always fake, there was never a good reason for them to exist, they were vehicles of prejudice, and they still are vehicles of prejudice, even when people freely choose a gender that is different from their sex. A person born as a sperm producer who wants to identify as a woman is asking the world to prejudge her according to their stereotypical views of women. A person born as an egg producer who wants to identify as a man is asking the world to prejudge him according to their stereotypical views of men.
All genders are stereotypes! All genders are fake. Rather than making people choose between two (or more) prejudicial stereotypes I reject them all.
the trouble with diversity,
gender is fake