Apr 21, 2021 04:05
As T read the verdicts to me while I was cooking dinner last night, the first thing I thought was:
They can't convict him on all three charges, that makes no sense. The defense will appeal, and it is likely the appellate court will throw out some of the charges. The charges were meant as multiple choice, not all of the above. Juries of non-experts, sigh.
But, ignoring that legal technicality, I was relieved the jury found the asshole guilty. He'll likely spend years in jail, even after the appellate court reduces his sentence. Though, I suppose we can expect some riots when that sentence reduction comes down.
Meanwhile, cops continue to kill three people per day on average in the US, and non-cops with guns continue to kill more than a hundred people per day (usually including themselves) -- 13,000 dead from gun violence so far this year in the US! The killings are so common we only focus upon those that have particularly sensational circumstances, while ignoring the vast majority of the daily violence, the crushing load of unsolved murder cases, and the millions of mourners left behind. And we do nothing about it -- no bill addressing gun violence can pass the broken US Senate.