Friday logistics

Feb 19, 2021 08:02

If it weren't for the sleetstack on the ground and the layer of overnight frozen rain covering everything and the additional frozen precipitation currenting falling from the sky, I'd be on my way to the condo now until Sunday evening.

I'm gonna wait until after my 10am meeting, and then I'll decide whether to wait until after my 1pm meeting.

I told T I feel guilty about all the sleetstack remaining on the sidewalks and driveway, but he said, "I absolve you, I will take a turn at it this afternoon when the temperatures are above freezing."

If only I were a Catholic and T were a priest.  I still feel guilty.  But he wants me outta here for the weekend as much as I wanna be outta here for the weekend.  He said, "Figure out when you can get yourself downtown safely."

Safely will be later, but I'm not sure when yet.

In the meantime, I think I'll do a yoga video before my 10am.

By the way, I love me a perfectly toasted bagel drenched with melted butter, garlic powder, and a touch of salt.  Mmmmm.

Dax is totally recovered.  T successfully installed a new router from Verizon this morning in 9 minutes.  I need to finish laundry and dishes, water plants, check the hot tub.  Oh, I also need to discuss with T the need to put the space heater in the sun room on Saturday night, if the forecast is correct and temperatures are heading into the teens.  The sun room could freeze, along with its green-leafy occupants, if outside temps get into the teens.

dear diary

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