Oct 09, 2020 03:29
The past three afternoons, a cat has climbed into my lap while I've meditated in the Media Cave.
And not the same cat each time!
Cats are great at meditation :-)
I've got the idea for my first song of this music creation cycle. Some vocals, simple lyrics, so I'll need to record my voice. I wrote down the basics of the lyrics in a note on my phone, and I'm imagining how the music will sound. This first song could become the intro for a concept album with seven songs.
Toying with a name for this album, and a pseudonym for the artist. Last time (in 2012) my, EP let's call it, was titled "reckless, despairing carols" -- a phrase I stole from Walt Whitman -- and I didn't bother with an artist pseudonym. Three short proof-of-concept original songs, plus a screeching remix of NIN's "My Violent Heart" of which I'm eternally proud. One song used my voice speaking lyrics lifted from a poem, I didn't write them myself. It was a short-lived project, but I always felt it demonstrated my potential if I threw myself into creating music.
As with my journal, as with the stories I've written over the decades, this is not a commercial project, but perhaps I'll share the results along the way. So long as I have a job or a pension I wouldn't charge for my writing or my music or anything else I create, except perhaps a nominal offset for the costs of reproduction or shipping, if I created a hard copy of something.
This will be fun! If I can maintain the time investment and momentum. But when else, before retirement, would be a good time for doing this? Quarantine with one person for months.