Dec 10, 2019 20:50
According to FiveThirtyEight, 47.7% support impeachment -- averaging the recent polls.
Not even a majority.
Democrats failed to convince a majority while the ball was in their court -- the House, despite televised hearings and a fairly clear factual record. When they vote to impeach anyway, the ball moves to the Republicans' court -- the Senate, where fake news will reign, and President Trump will be acquitted.
I expect, decades from now, when the history of the Trump years is written, the historians will marvel at how both major parties forgot that they were operating within a democracy, and how both major parties kept doing unpopular things, nominating unpopular candidates, and adopting unpopular positions, as they engaged in an unpopularity contest that failed to address any of the real problems facing the country, or the world.
As these two unpopular parties trade partial and temporary control, the US will crash into a fiscal ditch, and the mirage that is the wealth of the 5% will collapse along with the benefits and safety net provided by the government to the 95%, and we'll have nothing left but our mutual distaste for each other.