Nov 30, 2019 10:32
According to the betting markets, each candidate's chance of winning the general election if nominated:
Biden: 56%
Bloomberg: 62%
Buttigieg: 52%
Sanders: 56%
Warren: 45%
I'm surprised the bettors are so pro-Bloomberg. I don't think Bloomberg can win the nomination, but the betting markets think he's the Democrats' best chance to evict Trump.
A lot of establishment Democrats hate Bernie, but he's got as good a chance of winning the general election as Biden does according to the betting markets, and nearly as good a chance according to the head-to-head polls. Bernie is not an unsafe choice, not like Warren.
I'd rather have Bernie than Bloomberg, for sure.
I think if Bloomberg wins the nomination then we'll never have a non-billionaire President again -- running for President will become the new prestige bling of the ownership class -- instead of paying for public servants to represent you, they'll all want to represent themselves. Rich men can't play pro sports, they have to buy sports teams instead, but they can all run for President.