Sep 07, 2019 19:07
I'm thankful for my readers.
K has been telling me, repeatedly, that he likes reading my LJ because "nobody writes about this stuff."
He doesn't mean the politics, yawn ;-)
He means, the stuff about aging, the stuff about sex, the stuff about fisting and butt play, the stuff about relationships, the stuff about what's going on in my head, the stuff about the statistics of hookups, LOL.
He says I hold up a mirror to my readers -- I'm writing about things that maybe you're thinking about --
And that can't be everybody, but maybe for some of you, I'm holding up a mirror. I think I'm writing about my butt hole, LOL, but I'm also writing about your butt hole. Sort of.
We're all aging, we're all dealing with national and global politics, we're all dealing with being sexual beings but not getting precisely what we need from other people, we're all dealing with relationships and emotions and ... not being in control of the universe or even ourselves.
I said to him, "I've been practicing this public vomiting for a long time. I was one of the first online diarists, back during the so-so-precious 1990s Internet."
And now, I'm finally embracing my entire past life. And its fleeting power. Fuck triggers.
cats of alienation,
rainbow vomit